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8 Responses
While I was living in East Jerusalem 2014-15 Al Jazeer never reported the facts concerning incidents in Jerusalem. They were altered to reinforce the narrative of the Jihadists. I was there when incidents happened then later when watching the news in the Old City witnessed the altered narrative.
With every breath they lie, every thought comes a con.
The infowars comment section seems to be trouble. I can’t even try to post past 32 characters at the moment.
Just saw an article that Brazil is going to war against free speech and Musk who is supporting free speech in Brazil.
To brighteon, I think there will be a great need to develop a AI data base and intelligence for alternative democracy design. I am not sure how to do it, but thinking along these lines. A compilation of true honest information of history in all of the western republics and of current third world countries, etc. You know, all the coups, civil wars, color revolutions, everything. In that AI database. Got it?
Then add to it a simulation machine to try out government design reforms and even alternative democracy designs.
The need for this was yesterday, or even 20 years before yesterday etc..
If you look carefully, we are starting to see AI wars, the allowed AI’s and the banned AI’s.
The elites will do everything to to stop such AI that I propose to be created. Understand?
The great need for it as we enter a dark age. I would create it by myself, but beyond me I think.
For instance, I imagine any AI I will like to create with an ability to simulate democracy design reforms or ground up new democracy designs.
Most every enity in the world will be against it,,, I imagine.
That is a clue.
Ok thinking, how to do it? AI can do programming as I understand it. Just need to guide it. That is the key, who (and how ) guides this AI self progamming makes it good or bad. So in theory, it is doable.
So can have many AI run simulators for democracy design reforms and ground up democracy designs. The devil will hate this.
The better the guiding template for this self programming the better the results.
The key is the template, the genius, or the idiocracy.
I can create a unique template. As doing the same failure over and over, and being surprised at the same negative results is insanity, right?
It may be doable, with very limited resources?
The great thing is others can do this as well.
Notice gold going up rapidly?
It is a sign of coming war . It is a sign of instability of economy and society.
Also as I have been writing for a long time, and I have been by far the first to predict. That there will be a time of not having a real reserve currency in the world. So every enity with a brain will stack hard assets including gold and silver. I hope this condition will weaken the evil elites, I think it will,,, most likely.
I am going to attempt a difficult assessment.
What is going on in the world of political change? The rich evil western elites are pushing hard for dictatorship control, enslavement and outright killing of their own people.
They are pushing for internally run color revolution. They have most of the world’s republics under their large influence. Most every lever of power bought off endlessly in the whore republics, everywhere of all flavors.
For three examples, Truedoe of Canada, Netanyahu of Isreal, Biden of USA. These leaders are puppets of the evil globalists, totally unpopular, the people want rid of them, but so far unable. In other words the real republics of the world are a failure in terms of good enough design in my opinion. This is an global failure ongoing.
So we have a ongoing fight forming up of who/what will run the next dictatorship republic in most every republic in the world. That is the bulk of the current situation right now.
So take a conservative constitutionalist leadership(talking heads) in a western republic. They must join in this battle, to focus on it, to win it. To get in their champion in charge if possible. However, they are just trying to get in their king, that likely must act harshly to beat back the evil rich globalists who are traitors to their own nations. I am in the middle of this situation, so must be swept away.
Looking at modern technology, cell phones and internet, cameras and tracking and control systems. New bioweapons, space weapons, that are over the top powerful for to make top down dictatorship control. We of the human race are in big trouble ongoing.
Exact outcomes unknown by me, it will be touch and go for civilization.
Rich evil will do their destruction of society, then attempt a type of dictatorship in the ashes someday. I guess some type of communist/fascist dictatorship on the surface and a AI with management in the background will be their first focus. Later on more pure AI with management dictatorships, if they can.
But it won’t go smoothly for rich evil, their Frankenstein utopia will not go well, everybody in an existential crisis ongoing will hate it , try to fight it.
Here then positive political economy will start to take an greater effect. Where as any better run democratic system will have more God given freedoms and constitutional rights will economically crush any more dictorial areas in time.
Since today’s internet is like the printing press in the past, but even more powerful. This will enable new enlightenment movements worldwide.
So timelines may be shorter than in the past. So instead of dictatorship for 50 plus years, it may be only a couple of decades. For instance instead of a USSR collapsing in 70 years, it may only take 20 or less.
I may be wrong on this , because my one mind cannot encompass all new technology variables. But a good chance this is the future chaos.
So in any case, short term getting in a good king in a republic, that is good, but only short term. As that king to get and keep power against the rich evil onslaught, that king(Trump or whoever) will have to be very compromising or alternatively very harsh , mean and tough.
So here we are, my understanding of reality is vastly different than the normal opposition out there. As most all can see the close up battles of who/what will run the next dictatorship republic short term. I am looking at the worldwide battle for democracy, freedoms and good constitutional rights etc, by getting in power any better government design possible.
It is beyond me I think, but a AI to help the endless stream of failed dictatorship republics to work toward better democracy design will be fantastic in the coming future. The people of the world will be desperate for it.
The impossible becomes possible.
What if nations decide for a time to hold all gold inside their borders? Impossible, right?
I think it is possible for a short time.