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4 Responses

  1. Sorry, but I think that the whole, ‘Cucker Assassination’, thing is PURE THEATRE! Cucker IS CIA! And Cucker’s CIA Mission is to ‘take down’ REAL Indy News, and replace it with the NEW Fake ‘Indy’ ‘news’.

    I have also come to the realization, that supposed Real/Indy news outlets, such as Gateway Pundit, ZeroHedge, WorldNetDaily and Breitbart (and there are MORE!), are actually FAKE NEWS; part of the Theatre PsyOp.

    HOW does one tell which outlets are, INDEED, the PsyOp Fake News? Pay attention to what they are NOT COVERING! It was BLINDINGLY EVIDENT during the ‘CV19’ PLANNEDemic PsyOp…..when SUPPOSED ‘REAL’ Indy ‘news’ outlets were NOT COVERING important things…..and were, in fact, LYING about MUCH of ‘CV19’!

    With the Khazarian (aka ‘Israeli’) State thing……this one is EASY!!!! WHOEVER and WHATEVER (‘news’) is supporting the DEMONS in the Khazarian State….are, IN FACT, THE ENEMY!!!!! After ALL that the Khazarian State has done to AMERICA and AMERICANS……all of the VILE, MURDEROUS THINGS (just to name TWO……they had a LARGE hand in 9/11; their 1967 False Flag attack on the USS Liberty!)……NO ACTUAL AMERICAN would have ANY support for the Khazarians (aka ‘Israelis’)!!!!!! One who CLAIMS to be an AMERICAN, would have a SERIOUS PROBLEM with them GENOCIDING all of those people in Palestine!! (by the way…..who are not ONLY mooooslims, but CHRISTIANS & jews, too!)

  2. It is really apparent to me that Gavin Newsom is going to be the front runner of the global cabal. I noticed how polished he has become with his adverts, and the messages portrayed. Polished with zero substance is the calling card of the cabal, AKA Obama. His message (obviously not his own as I know of this grouping or click of folks, sound great, with little logic, and run on emotional manipulation) is one of unity, bla, bla, bla. It anther ruse in the game of war or as you said the other side of politics. I personally do not like politics it seems a nonsense to take from society and give nothing in return. Although my old thought on DC was F the bath water F the baby burn it all to the ground, and start over. Going there I realized there is a valuable baby there in concepts, and values. I was told by an insider that the political environment is completely venomous, the old days of enemies on the floor and scotch later (supposedly it worked better, but I really wonder about this, how could I know?) are over, and done with, and apparently problematic, getting back to the people concept on top, and the government subject to the will of the people has been forgotten, there lots of grey inbetween, but the basic concept of freedoms must be maintained, why else did so many die in the staged drama of WW II? At least it was the illusion of duty and honor.

    I went out for a night, and met a group of old school folks, not sure if they were a biker gang or what. However this one guy was back visiting told me how everyone in his community/town is an open carry. I thought this as foolish as it takes away the elements of surprise if you truly need a peacemaker to handle an outcome, but he was going on how it a bonding experience with others in the town/community. Not sure if I agree, but each to their own. I all about free choice, but have my own view about what is a better way. I really do not want conflict, but think it smart to be ready for it.

    Jordan Peterson makes a lot of sense to me personally:

    BE DANGEROUS BUT DISCIPLINED – Best Motivational Speech (Jordan Peterson Motivation)

    Use the pen to defend the sword, use the sword to defend the pen, both are powerful, but the pen is sharper.

    All I am saying is there still are free folks out there. I was speaking to an affiliated dude local, and he telling me how two brothers were in opposite gangs (Mexican) , I asked him how that works? He said they write each other from prison, it a crazy concept from the git go being brothers and on opposite sides, one of them was about to get out, and he gave himself anther 20 years acting out in the yard, never seems to make sense. Anyhow that enough rant for now