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5 Responses
I gonna call BS. Long Vaxxed? How about, long platformed? It is anther reinforcement for that what was given. The narrative will be injections were just anther misused or misjudged vaccination from Warp Speed, rather than what it is, and was. An experimental platform used in the most horrific manner, to modify the genetic code, AKA Nuremberg violations. Yes, this means your local county health officials, and Sheriffs are just as culpable, if not for the sake of being in a position of public trust, and being directly elected by local citizens. More so for guarding the misinformation of informational warfare, misleading both doctors, and the public at large. Their job is to use real scientific methods to determine reality, not regurgitate mass propaganda messages from media, and cower to a corrupted BOS taking cash bribes form misused federal funding. The health admin folks were simple bribe through misguided payouts as well, and their criminal charges lay in anther legal arena. It will be interesting to see SCOTUS in action sorting through the political mess they created for themselves, by laying low, and dealing with the legality of a usurper government run afray giving away people’s sovereignty. The funny thing is the constitution is build largely on natural law, and that is a gift of the creator, and I suppose the metaphorical he is the only one to take that away. Yes, I understand the high ground is not owned in human institutions, but hamburger hill is what this metaphoric fight is. The high ground is still not owned. Words do matter, and slowly the social fight will have the high ground, regardless of Darién Gap recruitment operations into the US military. Those records went up in flames. However this will end up more problematic as the clown show continues. Hence the next stage is hopeful, event the head in the sand folks are feeling grains in their eyes. The mass media will be turned off in event greater volumes next stage.
All who have NOT spoken out about the truth , done anything about it , participated in any way, including taking adverstizing money from BIG PHARMA, all county and state health departments, all radio and TV stations promoting the death shots , all weaponized medical systems. All military officials , Operation Warp Speed participants including DJT. Either everyone goes down with the penalty or nothing is accomplished , it will repeat and continue until we go extinct.
Maybe you misheard, or misunderstood importance of memetic warfare. Freedom is taken!
Yes, context was a mistake on my part, meme warfare I should be familiar with, but am not it new on some levels. Industries do overlap once you can see the similarities. It takes good teachers, whom teach beyond the subject. I was not any good in statistics, but had a teacher who was so into the subject he would briefly mention something in class to share because he was so into the subject. As he said I gonna take this animal out of the cage show you it, place it back in it cage, and you can forget about it. He was preaching to a demographic like himself, but his enthusiasm was apparent. The public needs these teachers in desperate ways, perhaps getting completely out of the system is the answer, but there is good people still in the system, it just difficult to filter malice hidden via acting skills vs as one fellow I ran into called the educated idiot class, there lots of them making great salaries, but they still don’t know how to think for themselves. Anyhow Apple on the desk! very urgent situation in FLA.