Today on The Prather Point LIVE at 4 pm ET / 1 pm PT
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4 Responses
Extreme importance on next plandemic being engineered now
I saw this coming last year when they destroyed millions of poultry with fake test for avian flu, now all birds being shipped from out of state MUST BE VAXXED. I believe they are giving this to the birds to spread this, BUY ONLY from local raised chicks . And we have moved into raising rabbits now as well .
Yep the next roind of onsanioty osnwo being palnned and let loose on all of us. Many still ahve nit relized the CV was a total created sham so that means many will not believe this second attempt to murder as many as possible. Are Americans slow and dumb or what and all as Fauci, Soros and Gates are still walking freely daily ? This clearly shows how weak and stupid Americans actually are. What do you do with a rabid dog ? Can you help it and save it or just put it out of its misery before it attacks another ?
I am well past tired of this doing nothng at all when the answers are quite obvious to all but most are afraid to face the truth and facts of it all. They think that it be will solved by our laws although the truth is we have no real laws any longer, only that which is engineered by the maniacs of the DEMs and their cohorts. And even the REPs have used the DJT indictment only to raise more money and what exactly have any of them done so far but talk junk ? The same exact thing as most suppoped conservative websites do to raise more money and accomplish nothing at all except help their own standard of living as they arre playing right into the lefts games ! This entire idea of no violence is quite abdsurd as the ony thing that has ever changed maniacs is violence against them to throw off their power over the serfs ! Just a reality check many cannot or will not realize before it si too late again.
Thank you!!!!!! For having Mike Gill on the other day. It was so much information, I had to watch it again, maybe one more time. You are awesome my brother. Praying always for you and yours and all who love the LORD and our country. May God continue to richly bless you invall you do for His glory. Amen!
Sis in Christ from WA