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Today on The Prather Point:



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16 Responses

  1. Jeff Prather –Thank you for this overview. I have been aware of the behavior mod angle for decades.The DSM II manual holds many clues re how we are compart-mentalized (just like: we are soul-less “hackable animals”). I have been most fortunate to have had authentic teachers and a few mentors who clued me in re ‘what it means to be human.’ I’d like to give back now, and am exploring various outlets and feel Team America may yet be a place where I can make a contribution. For all the American citizens hooked on the Pharma teat, I can say with absolute conviction and experential knowledge–if you will quit eating all processed foods, avoid fluoridated water, and take some time to fast(either a veggie juice or lemon water fast) for anywhere from 3-10 days–with a qualified holistic healer’s direction, I guarantee that if repeated for a period of time(depending on the individual’s unique constitutional identity) you will break the addiction to the drug dependency.

  2. Excellent podcast today , so important to include all the info ssri drugs this is a key to understanding the dumbing down and mind controlling and quelling of the American population . MK ULTRA is very real , very much still active very technologically advanced and responsible for nearly all the mass shooters

  3. Excellent guest today BUT the hub of operations are being spread globally through the plandemic, vaxx passport and social credit system perfected in China , yes China is the model the globalists want everywhere , and they will use China as the muscle to enforce. The WEF and such will find in the end China will turn on them , and he is correct on Ukraine situation

  4. There were no planes in 911 attacks DEW S, controlled demolition , thermite charges , the planes were all ADDED IN THE VIDEOS and news later . I have listened the MANY interviews of people who were eye witnesses before they were scrubbed , firefighters and others as well , people on the floors that were supposedly hit , survived and interviewed and clearly stated the explosions happened INSIDE and blew out. Bush family relatives controlled security on the building s , owner Larry Silverstein insured the buildings for terrorism and COLLECTED 2 BILLION and immediately spent half a billion on an enormous yacht built here in Wash. I know these things as fact.

    1. Hero soldier and Security expert Rick Rescorla predicted 9-11, after surviving Ia Drang battle, and rescuing his Morgan Stanley staff, then died going back into rescue others.

  5. So I do pay attention to the media appartus, I am not sure people understand how effective, and how much influence this medium has. Silicon Valley realized this, they can take all of the revenues, and have zero liability for spewing slander and disinformation, and worse suggestive reasoning that is emotional based and has no logic behind events/ agendas. To me this is NEVER going to end until those spewing disinformation are taken on on some manner or form. I do see hope. Epictimes came from as a result of a repressive China, now to me it is extremely difficult to separate in the media what is a deepstate message, and what is a CCP message, as I see them somewhat on the same page, but my limited understanding of human nature knows there is internal strifes, conflicts, and visions. It patting each other on the back one day, and knives at each others throats the next, but I suppose when your on the level of dealing with the devils work that is what a person, entity, ect. can expect. Event Hollywood understands this over the years, that same system of tyranny, ends up judging the builders, and spin doctors, as it becomes a machine, and monster where there is water becomes so muddy it impossible to find the plug to pull.

  6. On purpose, of course it all is and we have all been under attack for years now by varoisu means and the mass murder as well by various means by our own government and their many NGO allies as well as PRAVDA/MSM their propganda arm. I agree 100% we can all heal ourselves and stay very fit, strong , clear minded and healthy very easily. It is all about how YOU think and then act on it, nothing more or any magic or voodoo. Just simple common sense, a little courage and some self discipline.

    Get well trained out and find confidence in your capabilites. I also highly recommend to learn how to meditate and look inside yourself for any and all answers ! Anybody still taking any pharm or drugs is just a weakling and not facing what they heed to face. All of it is poison one way or the other and I aslo know supposed health care professiosnals who are taking drugs of various kinds and had their families take the jab. We are just seeing it all play out as it would, given the insanity and weakness of the people. I do not fret on any of the weaklngs and I prefer to simply live and speak as a good example of how to live and think ! We will not stop the weaklings from being weaklings and should focus on fixing ourselves and helping others do the same, buyt they have to do that themselves.

    What do you do with a rabid dog. speak to it with niceties and supposed benevolence most espuse thes days ? We are there now and our gov and their allies are the rabid dogs !

    Realize we now hev NO ;egotomt governemnar any lvel and USA is totlly lawless now and eevn releqsing mirderers ro protect them. Are you being prpected ? Of course not. but you are being forced to apy fopr all the insnaoty you see daily !@ If you re niot possed soemrthong is very wring woth you and anger is NOT a bad thing at all it is a normal reaction and experioencve tyaht drives us to do what we need to do. The issue is simply you control it and not let it control you !

    How many very serious real criminals in gov are walking around freely and we out number them by at least 10,00 to one as it all continues daily. How amny of them deserve the ultimate punishment for the many crimes rhey hve already committed against all of us. That is the correct mindset to realize what is taking place here in USA and what we must be aware of and fully realize. The real problem now is the weakness of the American people, as we know who the enemy are and who the weaklings are ! Yes we will have to take down the real criminals at some point. So where is that point and what will it take for Americans to face what they must face and truly wake up. MNO question PUrin os doing us all a hieg favor. He si the ony amn on the aplnet who ahs the where with all and courage to stand up against the isanity in motion and fight the NWO control freaks and he is winning ! We are in a very rel war and need to act like it and realize the old USA we thought existed is already dead. We must decide what we want it to look like going forward and be willing to fight back and die for it if necessary ! Until enough people go there we are screwed !

    1. On purpose, of course it all is and we have all been under attack for years now by varoius means and the mass murder as well by various means by our own government and their many NGO allies as well as PRAVDA/MSM their propganda arm. I agree 100% we can all heal ourselves and stay very fit, strong , clear minded and healthy very easily. It is all about how YOU think and then act on it, nothing more or any magic or voodoo. Just simple common sense, a little courage and some self discipline.

      Get well trained out and find confidence in your capabilites. I also highly recommend to learn how to meditate and look inside yourself for any and all answers ! Anybody still taking any pharm or drugs is just a weakling and not facing what they heed to face. All of it is poison one way or the other and I also know supposed health care professionals who are taking drugs of various kinds and had their families take the jab. We are just seeing it all play out as it would, given the insanity and weakness of the people. I do not fret on any of the weaklngs and I prefer to simply live and speak as a good example of how to live and think ! We will not stop the weaklings from being weaklings and should focus on fixing ourselves and helping others do the same, but they have to do that themselves.

      What do you do with a rabid dog. speak to it with niceties and supposed benevolence many espouse thes days ? We are there now and our gov and their allies are the rabid dogs !

      Realize we now hva NO legitimate government at any lvel and USA is totlly lawless now and even releasing murderers to protect them. Are you being protected ? Of course not. but you are being coerced to pay for all the insanity you see daily ! If you re not pissed something is very wrong woth you and anger is NOT a bad thing at all, it is a normal reaction and experience that drives us to do what we need to do. The issue is simply you control it and not let it control you !

      How many very serious real criminals in gov are walking around freely and we out number them by at least 10,000 to one as it all continues daily. How many of them deserve the ultimate punishment for the many crimes they have already committed against all of us. That is the correct mindset to realize what is taking place here in USA and what we must be aware of and fully understand. The real problem now is the weakness of the American people, as we know who the enemy are and who the weaklings are ! Yes we will have to take down the real criminals at some point. So where is that point and what will it take for Americans to face what they must face and truly wake up. Is htis newest school shhootng acceptable and was out gov involved o the stnd down athat allowed it to happen, yes they wer and are .
      No question Pitin is doing us all a huge favor. He is the only man on the planet who has the where with all and courage to stand up against the insanity in motion and fight the NWO control freaks and he is winning ! We are in a very real war and need to act like it and realize the old USA we thought existed is already dead. We must decide what we want it to look like going forward and be willing to fight back and die for it if necessary ! Until enough people go there we are screwed !

  7. Your guest has some clarity well needed here in USA today. Once the USD is toast as the petro dollar and world currency this all unfolds into total chaos insatntly on many levels ! That will be a catalyst as well many others already in motion.

    Few Americans have any clue what is really taking place and that is the current problem as most are still totally consumed in the false red/blue paradigm of old.

  8. Focus on George W at that school when Andy Card leans toward him and advises that the SECOND tower was hit, Second tower attack of course meant that it was a coordinated attack. W did not flinch, did not snap a look at Card, he maintained a calm demeaner. HE KNEW before hand.

  9. If you want high level knowledge on how all this works and the chain of command read below

    Thank you, Maka’ala. As you probably know, the orders for false flag shootings come from the Superior Jesuit Order General in the Gesu Curia in Borgo di Santo Spirito, Rome. Currently that is Arturo Sosa. The order goes down thru the US Jesuit Assistant James Grummer, who works from 5 Borgo di Santo Spirito. Grummer passes the order down to the President of Jesuit USA/The American Jesuit Conference Timothy P Kesicki. Kesicki helps with the planning and passes down the information to the appropriate Provincial Jesuit General. In the case of Texas, that is Thomas Greene, Provincial Jesuit General of the Central and Southern Province. Green helps coordinate all the planning to include the inevitable speech by the nearest big City Archbishop, Gustavo García-Siller Archbishiop of San Antonio, who gives an emotional gun control speech regarding the false flag in Uvalde, Tx. As well, Timothy Kesicki alerts the American Pope-Archbishop of New York Timothy Dolan, the Fordham crew (McShane and Cecero) as well as the lay President of Georgetown University John DiGioia, who directly controls the President, the CFR and the intelligence community to include the Catholics in Action (CIA) and the FBI. Since the President is involved, the ruler over the President and the Pentagon, Constantinian Jesuit Gray Noble King Philip VI Farnese-Bourbon of Spain, is fully involved. The Pope’s intelligence community choreographs the actual event, such as the school shooting-to include the live shooter drill at the site weeks before the actual event, the on line manifesto, the patsy shooter (the MK Ultra/CIA/Jesuit mind controlled sap drugged by a DOD psychiatrist), the mercenaries who do the actual shooting, the teacher that leaves the door open, the confiscation of mobile phones, the disabling of the video cameras on the school grounds, the TV crisis actors and the stand-down orders to the local police. The CFR then coordinates the anti-GOP/anti-Gun white supremacy media response (TV, newspapers, radio and social media) as well as the response of the politicians, to include the do nothing well compensated controlled opposition GOP traitors along with the President, who will, at times, fly to the false flag site for some face time with crying crisis actors, and perhaps attend one or two funerals. Good actors,

    crisis actors will be employed to give fake eyewitness commentary as well as to set up the flowers, candles, teddy bears and cards. The anti-gun legislation related to the event is already prefabricated and ready for a vote in congress, pending the President’s signature for passage. Other antics such as Roman Catholic Beto O’Rourke heckling Roman Catholic Gregg Abbott, or Roman Catholic Gavin Newsom lambasting Roman Catholic Gregg Abbot, are also pre-rehearsed as segues to further anti-gun sentiment. Other Jesuit controlled organizations such as the UN will weigh in, offering help to police the gun violence zones. As well, any related protests and/or riots by Antifa, BLM and/or MS13 are planned beforehand through Kesicki and the FBI, who contribute agents and human assets to the plan along with weapons and stand down orders to the local mayors, attorney generals, prosecutors, judges and police captains to stand down for the rioters and protestors. Despite the event obviously appearing as the false flag that it really was, it still works because there are so many unbelievably brainwashed fools in our country, to include the hard left lunatics and the pathetic patriots who believe that Jesuit trained/Jesuit controlled Roman Catholic Michael Flynn, Roman Catholic Rudy 911 Giuliani and Jesuit controlled Donald Trump are actually going to save the day. LOL.

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