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8 Responses
I need to find someplace else to write.
Thought of the day.
Ukraine is going to be the rock that is going to break the western republics. Instead of victory for the western elites,, it is an dramatic example not to follow their leadership.
Right now the insane globalists are pushing for the draft of Ukrainian women. I cannot predict the exact future, but Ukraine is falling apart rapidly and a good enough chance to flip toward Russia. Especially as the BRICS+ get stronger. Remember, it is not that the BRICS+ nations are that great. It is western republics are so bad, in leadership, and lack of good enough democracy design to gain better leadership.
Right now the conservative constitutionalists are gaining political power over the people of the world. But remember, it is not that they really have a path toward better governance. They don’t, it is because the communists/fascists ran by rich evil elites are so horrible.
I expect Ukraine to be the proxy war to breah the western elites/republics. That will spill over into the 5th generation warfare elsewhere. In a way that all leadership of the rich evil elites will lose influence.
Like that.
Thought of the day.
What is the growth business in a loaming great depression and dark age under the current world system?
That is pretty simple to understand , it is the death, war and prepper kind of businesses. The power and control engagement over the masses kind of businesses. If you can produce a death and herding drone run by AI, you got that growth business plan. If you have a winter vacation kind of business, well, not much chance of growth.
The masses will slowly get this coming reality as we shift toward a dark age economy. Where as evil billionaires kill millions to billions of people and never go to jail in their controlled republics…..
Soon coming collage courses and degrees on Warlord leadership skills. How to form and govern with a republic in city state sized countries. How to create and grow business in a third world economy. On and on, the funeral and death care business will have massive growth in the future, etc.
The future of harsh capitalism is has its realities. The normal liberal arts college education will likely be more worthless than ever.
So sign up for courses on bioweapons production, that is one of a “dark ages” area of steady employment….
On and on……
To Mr. Prather, What is wrong with having a wired ear piece from your phone? That would stop the feed back, yes you may have delays (pauses while the feed goes), but it would be a smoother sound. I am not sure how they affect an internal system, but I would have one of the, “white hat” tech guys look at your system, maybe it built into the manufactured gear you may have? There are work arounds, but there is also the issue such as NEST, putting in a microphone not in the schematics, yes the corporate world has sold it soul maybe from the eighties? I am not so apt at reading electronic blue prints, but the point is event these cannot be trusted now a days, it take good old taking apart something to see how it ticks.
Great idea.
Thought of the day.
The fog of 5th generation warfare.
Cutting through the fog is difficult, so much information and false information etc. To see the forest from the trees. So many possible “thoughts of the day”.
I am personally looking for that Thomas Pain moment of the Pamlet titled “Common Sense”. The main history lesson is the usage of outside of elite’s control, a free speech direct democracy power to direct the whole nation of people in a direction. True Free speech is the weakest form of direct democracy, but it can have ultimate power at times in history. 5th generation warefare in action during revolutionary times is the pamlet called “Common sense” also maybe the Declaration of Independence. These actions are direct from the heart of Christians wanting to be free. But of course the evil wants to subvert, control it, to steal away at every moment in the shadows, ongoing, the sneaking stealing devil. Trying to control the opposition.
The evil elites pumping in illegals to water down resistance. To stop self interested collective direct democracy action by the people. This is obvious and shows the reality of the good effectiveness at times of ground up direct democracy movements that the evil fears.
The telling trend is the growing popularity of Trump among minorities. They don’t like gay transgender presidents, the freak show in the shadows ruling over them. It is disgusting to most everyone. The gig is up, everyone knows and are not amused. All may tolerate it, except that evil is trying to subvert, kill and enslave. Etc.
So the fog of 5th generation war is upon us and I am wondering if we will get that Thomas Pain pamlet moment and if so, when, how, in what flavor? I strongly doubt it will be an effective cry to “bring back the republic” but shall see.
Minorities may be trending toward Pres. Trump UNTIL the Newson/Michele Obama team hits the headlines, then all bets are off. We will once and for all be completely destroyed. Also, the illegal aliens are being allowed in by the millions to counter act any type of resistance the citizenship may conduct such as an all out work stoppage. The illegals will once again do the jobs that Americans won’t do in the same of protest. Wait, we are almost there.