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7 Responses
great interview with DR ANA M. with Maria Zee
Thought of the day.
Able to post on infowars, only off and on, maybe trying to protect me ? Or an influence restriction?
Anyway here we are going toward another round of rich evil elites, government and bankers. Fighting over the power of finance and currency types.
We all know what the rich evil wants, absolute power and control. The future tool is cell phones tied into CBDC currency with social credit scores. To have an absolute tracking and control grids. So the monkeys chatter about holding gold or private cryptocurrency wallets as solutions.
Any with brains know the real future battles will be over the design of governments/democracy.
The longer we fiddle, the longer the republics will burn toward dictatorships of various flavors.
The people may have to sieze the cell phone for kinds of direct democracy. The controlled opposition will never support that. So, how long will the dark age last?
So to the monkeys, do we need me to attempt a analysis on how far people can resist by only using private gold/silver and using private wallets with cryptocurrency?
Something to think about, right? I am going to do so. I suggest you to do so also.
The result likely is going to realize the need for democracy design reform movements. That should have started a 100 years ago at least.
Not sure what to make of this, but the FBI and DOJ are the Blackhat minions, so not sure how to interpret this?
Just a posters comment, probably the case I suspect: blackhatcat – 6 hours ago
it would be hella funny if the fbi was running breached as a honeypot which is a likely scenario at this point
Also the episode before this breaks this issue down very well, and he speaks on the WHO blob (Bill Gate’s organization) assignation attempt on the Slovenian prime minister. The fact is the, “threats” to humanity have zero malice they just are, unless this Ulsen concept from your book really exists.I still have not figured out how a rock can have a life force, anyhow here is the real issues that seem to no care one way or anther byt I am not on the hardening the grid bandwagon.
Am on the harden the grid bandwagen